Environmental Product Declarations (EPD)

Building Transparency OpenEPD Material Search - View Feed on Map (allow 8 seconds)

Check out how much faster the list displays when loaded from a static json file.

TO DO: Automate saving API as JSON files using npm run download technique from EPA widgets.
By using a static json file, we'll load 30,000+ records (775K) in a quarter of a second, similar to the Santa Monica tree inventory.

Get your bearer token from logging into the Swagger OpenEPD API, then you can paste in in the following to run from a console:

   curl -X 'GET' \
    'https://openepd.buildingtransparency.org/api/epds?page_number=1&page_size=100' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'filter: {"epds.name":"ASTM International"}' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer [Your Bearer Token]'
Field documentation: OpenEPD spreadsheet - How to Get an EPD - EPD Guide

TO DO: Generate an Impact Profile from the BuildingTransparency.org feed and local industry data. You could build on Abrie's React work

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